
Why Use Linux Web Hosting?

There are those who ask Why Use Linux Web Hosting? The simple answer is because Linux hosting (also known as Unix) uses open source products which make them very cost effective and in a sense virtually free for a hosting site to use the Linux operating system to drive its servers. In fact most shared …

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Tips to Choose the Best Web Hosting Provider

There are three primary features of an ideal web hosting service: security, support, and speed. As your audience continues to grow, you need to scale your website as well. This is quite important if you want to handle high traffic without having a negative impact on the user experience. Hosting services come with different price …

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6 Great Reasons to Avoid Free Web Hosting

When it comes to web hosting, there are a lot of options available. With so many alternatives to choose from, you might be tempted to consider one of the many free web hosting services out there. However, there are some common pitfalls related to that approach that can end up costing you and your business …

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Web Hosting Aspects That Might Affect SEO

Does Web Hosting Have an Effect on SEO? There are 3 web hosting factors that influence where your website gets ranked. Here is an in-depth look into them: Uptime/ Downtime Downtime is the length of time when your website cannot be accessed because of the problems involving the server. It is likely for search engine …

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Which Web Hosting is Best For You?

Getting the right web host is one of the most important decisions anyone looking for a web hosting Host should make cautiously. The right web host can further enhance the user-friendliness and efficiency of your websites. There are some basic but yet key essential features which need to be equipped by a web hosting company …

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Why You Should Select Dedicated Server Hosting

When you are looking for hosting packages to provide online visibility for your website, it is advisable to research on the kinds of services you will expect to get from a web host. When you choose dedicated server hosting plans, you can enjoy unlimited resources from the hosting provider. In web hosting, a dedicated server …

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Advantages of Unlimited Bandwidth Hosting

Internet technology evolves fast nowadays and one of the more growing trends in the web hosting field is to offer unlimited bandwidth service. Unlimited bandwidth hosting offers are very promising and enticing especially to small organizations and new customers. There is much competition among hosting companies that’s why this unlimited offers draw so much attention …

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